Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Blog Poem #14

Helen Elaine "Pinky" Hill at age 5.


Dedicated With Love To My Dear Daughter
Helen Elaine Hill Bogus
Whose Childhood Nickname Was Pinky.

As I look back to your childhood days -
One thing I vividly recall.
Caring for you - in many ways -
Was almost like playing with a doll!

Helen at 13 months of age.

When I would hear a sound at night -
I would tiptoe down the hall.
I had to be sure everything was alright -
For I loved my real live doll!

Helen (Pinky) at age 2.

Quite often I glance at pictures of you -
Which are hanging on the wall.
I remember cute things you'd say and do -
You were such a charming little doll!

Pinky at age 3.

I also recall when you slipped on the stairs -
And took that terrible fall!
I still thank The Lord for hearing my prayers -
For my precious, adorable doll!

Pinky at age 4.

Sometimes when a mother and child are near
And I hear a sweet voice call,
"Mommy!" ... I wipe away a tear -
Remembering "My Own Dear Doll"!

Pinky at age 6.

Your "Little Girl" days have all gone by -
You're A Lady - The Dearest Of All!
I'll love you forever - and now you know why -
Your mother calls you "Doll"!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Helen Hill Bogus with her husband, Paul Bogus,
September of 2010.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Blog Poem #13

The Resurrected Christ


This poem is dedicated to The Glory of God
(God, The Father - God, The Son - & God, The Holy Spirit)
And to Friends & Loved Ones Everywhere.

When from these bodies our Spirits take flight -
What a wonderful adventure that will be!
We'll experience an awesome and glorious sight -
As The Lights of That Heavenly City we see!

Our Spirits will enter through those Pearly Gates -
And Our Dear Lord will welcome us home!
We can never imagine what happiness awaits -
As we see The Glory of God on His Throne!

There'll be no more death, nor sickness or pain -
And we'll walk on those streets of pure gold!
All of our questions The Lord will explain -
There with Him where we'll never grow old!

Angels will be singing on that Heavenly Shore ...
Praises To God Who Sets Spirits Free!
With friends and loved ones who've gone on before ...

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Copyright 2004 Thelma Decker Hill)

II Cor. 5:8 - "... absent from the body ... present with The Lord."  (King James Version of The Holy Bible)

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Blog Poem #12

Charles Edward Rogers
The following poem is posted on my blog
with the permission of my dear friend, Betty Jackson Rogers,
who was Charlie's beloved wife for almost 67 years.


In Loving Memory Of
(January 4, 1928 - July 9, 2011)

Our Dear Lord has lovingly called Charlie's name,
And his life on this earth is no more.
Now, as a Christian, he has earned the right to claim
His new life with The Lord forevermore!

"Lord, comfort Charlie's family in this earthly life
In the loss of their loved one so dear ...
And richly bless Charlie in his marvelous new life
With Your everlasting peace and good cheer!"

God has planned A Great Reunion In Heaven some day,
Where there'll be no more pain or sorrow!
What a joy it is to know that with loved ones we'll stay
There With Him In His Eternal Tomorrow!

Written By A Family Friend (Thelma Decker Hill)

John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  (King James Version of The Holy Bible)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Blog Poem #11

             A View of The Beautiful Bluffs of Sebring located in Sebring, Florida.

"A Touch Of Paradise"

Dedicated to all the wonderful people at
The Bluffs of Sebring

The Bluffs of Sebring is a lovely place -
Quiet, serene, and pleasing to the eyes!
A senior community with charm and grace -
It truly is a touch of paradise!

Just one of the fun times at The Bluffs Club House
A Kentucky Derby Party!

In the mornings ... God paints a glorious view -
With diamond-like sparkles on Lake Mary Jane!
A walk around the lake is pleasant to do ...
Breathing in the beauty of The Bluffs' terrain!

My hubby, Nelson, with a twelve-pound Bass caught in Lake Mary Jane.

If fishing is a sport that you like to do -
You can catch a big Bass from the bank or a boat!
Or you can take a ride in The Bluffs' canoe ...
On the lake - a place that's uniquely remote!

Our daughter, Helen Hill Bogus, and long-time friend, Charlie Rogers,
go for a ride in The Bluffs Canoe on Lake Mary Jane.

At The Bluffs there is privacy if you so desire -
Or enjoyable social activities galore!!!
It's a wonderful place for folks to retire,
And in this life ... who could ask for more?

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill)

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Blog Poem #10

"The Way We Met"

Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
In Honor of Our 65th Wedding Anniversary (August 18, 2011)

I remember the day when first we met - that young soldier boy and I.
(Really - how could a young girl forget? ... I had a big sty on my eye!)
Separately we strolled in a park that day - he & his buddies, my friends & me.
Fleeing from rain - we ran the same way - and met beneath a tree!

This soldier was tall (and somewhat shy) - with great big eyes of blue.
He served his country ... my GI - during World War Two.
He was a "gentleman Yankee", and I was a "southern gal".
There was no "hanky-panky" ... (he referred to me as "pal")!

That was over sixty-five years ago ... in Nashville, Tennessee -
Where we would go to "The Opry Show" - my soldier boy and me.
Whenever a weekend pass was due - my "Sweetie Pie" would call.
We attended Church and movies too ... by then he called me "Doll")!

The war ended in 1945, and my sweetheart returned to me.
Thanks to God he did survive - and sailed home across the sea!
By letters we had kept in touch - while he was far away.
We saved a few which meant so much - to read again some day.

"We'll read our letters," said my ex-GI - "someday when we're OLD!"
We didn't know how time would fly, but quickly the years unfold!
He was 25, and I was 23 ... when I married my Army "Vet" -
He's 90 now, and I'm 88 ... but he says, "We're not OLD yet!"

God gave us a lovely daughter - whom we raised in Delaware.
She and her husband have kids and grandkids - blessings for us to share!
Now at The Bluffs in the Sunshine State - we enjoy our retirement life.
With my marriage partner life is great, and I'm proud to be his wife!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill