Monday, August 22, 2011

My Blog Poem #20

Della "Dell" Decker


Dedicated With Love To My Dear Sister-In-Law
On Your 85th Birthday - August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dell, ... I think you're great!
And I wish you joy on your special date!
I'll always wish the best for you -
And hope your wishes all come true!

Have A Wonderful Birthday & Many More -
And I wish you Happiness Galore!
I hope all your future plans go well -

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Dell & Yours Truly (Thelma Decker Hill)
At The Bluffs of Sebring in front of our condo.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Blog Poem #19

Bluffs Annual Anniversary Dinner Party at The Bluffs of Sebring
(Our 65th Wedding Anniversary)


Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
On Our 65th Anniversary - August 18, 2011

"Let's save a few letters and read them some day ...
When we're old," - my young husband said.
It's been sixty-five years since our wedding day,
And our letters we haven't re-read!

They've been stored in a console table for years -
An item we purchased in nineteen-forty-nine.
It's a treasured heirloom we've kept through the years -
So perhaps it may stay in our family line.

On milestone anniversaries (since the time we met) -
We've planned to read the letters we wrote.
But on all those occasions ... we were "not old yet" -
At least that was my dear hubby's "quote"!

Happy Anniversary, Dear!  It's been sixty-five years -
And we're no longer young, you know.
Let's reminisce now about our yesteryears -
As we re-read Our Letters From Long Ago!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

From one of our yesteryears (1943).
(In Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee)

My Blog Poem #18

Our Wedding Day - August 18, 1946
(Belmont Methodist Church - Nashville, Tennessee)

Our 60th Anniversary Party - 2006
(Given by our daughter & son-in-law, Helen & Paul Bogus)


Dedicated With Love To My Husband
Nelson Stanley Hill
On Our 60th Anniversary (August 18, 2006)

You were twenty-five, My Dear, and I was twenty-three -
When we declared our wedding vows that day.
Now that you're eighty-five ... and I'm eighty-three -
We know how quickly time slips away!

Our meeting each other was destined to be -
And a knowing God planned it that way.
He chose me for you ... and you for me -
And He gave us "a love that would stay"!

We have honored our vows "to have and to hold" -
And surprisingly the time has gone fast!
We are thankful that together we are growing old -
With happy memories of the past!

In our 60 years ... we've had blessings galore -
And our family is The Very Best!
With loved ones and friends, our blessings soar -
And indeed we are Truly Blessed!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

My Blog Poem #17

Our Golden Anniversary Party - 1996

(A spin-off from "Years Of Silver" poem.)

Dedicated With Love To My Husband
Nelson Stanley Hill
On Our Golden Anniversary - August 18, 1996

Thank you, My Dear, for 50 happy years -
In our marriage on life's rocky road!
Through all of our joys ... and a few tears
Togetherness lightened the load!

Remember the dreams when our love was new
As we started our married life?
What happiness to know our dreams came true
Sharing them as husband and wife!

We're writing our own happy-marriage book
As we walk together hand in hand.
Our Creator guided every step we took
On our road into marriage land!

We've honored our vows "to have and to hold"
Through fifty years of true love!
Now God is blessing us with "Years of Gold"
His Gift From Heaven Above!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

My Blog Poem #16

Our Wedding Day - August 18, 1946


Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
Nelson Stanley Hill
On Our 25th Wedding Anniversary - August 18, 1971

Thank You, My Dear, For Twenty-Five Happy Years -
In our marriage on life's rocky road!
Through many joys (and just a few tears) -
Togetherness lightened the load!

Remember the dreams when our love was new -
As we started our married life?
What happiness to know our dreams came true -
Sharing them as husband and wife!

We're writing our own happy-marriage book -
As we walk together hand in hand!
Our Creator guided every step we took -
On our road into marriage land!

On our wedding day - when we took that vow
To Honor ... To Cherish ... And To Love -
God Blessed us then - and He's blessing us now
With "Silver Years" - His Gift From Above.

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Blog Poem #15

Nelson with 12-lb. Bass caught in Lake Mary Jane, The Bluffs of Sebring (Florida) 4/7/08.

"The Best Catch"

Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
(An Avid Fisherman)
On Father's Day - June 15, 2003.

Happy Father's Day To You, Dear "Best Catch Of Mine"!
I'm glad I found you in this great sea of life!
You're The Best Catch that stayed on the line -
And I'm glad you and I became husband and wife!

As a young girl I lured a few fish from the sea -
While fishing for my lifetime mate.
Then our Dear Lord selected the best catch for me -
And wisely led you to grab the bait!

Through the years we have found Best Catches of our own -
A daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren too!
All those years ago ... we could not have known -
That these wonderful dreams would come true!

I hooked The Best Catch in life's stormy sea -
The Prize Fish that didn't get away!
You're still The Best Catch, and your loved ones agree!
So we wish you The Best ... Today And Every Day!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill)

(This poem was written with a play on words in the lingo of fishermen.)

Nelson Hill in front of the last boat he owned.