Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poem #26

Helen Gamble & Thelma Decker
In Centenial Park - 1945

"Birthday Wishes For A Special Friend"

Dedicated To My Dear Friend,
On Your 62nd Birthday - April 25, 1986.

Happy Birthday To You, My Special Friend!
Let us journey down Memory Lane.
It's a winding trail way that has no end -
We'll travel by thought - not by plane.

At Draughon's College where you and I met -
We studied to learn office skills.
Helen, do you think we'll ever forget -
Shorthand practice and typing drills?

As stenographers on our very first jobs -
We worked from eight to five.
Mr. K.'s dictation could bring us to sobs -
But somehow we managed to survive!

Before I became Mrs. Nelson Hill -
Remember ... way back then?
Among those we dated were Nelson and Bill -
Who became our own special men!

Sometimes - on a Sunday afternoon -
With our dates we would stroll through the park.
Or perhap for a while we would stop and "spoon" -
On a bench - as it was getting dark!

We attended Church on Sundays too -
And always bought a new Easter frock!
Life was exciting with fun things to do -
But at work we would "watch the clock".

How about those spooky radio shows -
We would listen to late at night?
"The Squeaky Door" and "The Shadow Knows" -
Could make us shudder with fright!

Remember The Toddle House and ice box pie -
And my crazy prank on April Fool's Day?
My apologies, my friend, for that atrocious "lie" -
Now I'm careful of the jokes I play!

Through the years we've gone our separate ways -
But letters and visits have kept us in touch.
We're blessed with loved ones who brighten our days -
They're all so dear, and we love them so much!

Our lives have changed since the days of long ago -
Many new friends have come our way.
With this sentimental poem - I want you to know -
You are still my special friend today!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Thelma Decker Hill & Helen Gamble
August 18, 1946