Thursday, November 22, 2012

Poem #31 "My Near-Death Experience"

Thelma Decker Hill - July, 2012

"My Near-Death Experience"

It was October 5, 2011, when I had to call Nine-One-One!
Chest pains were severe, so I prayed in the name of God's Son.
In the hospital I begged, "Somebody do something ... I can't stand this!"
Breathing devices helped, and then I was sent to a hospice.
On October 25th we moved into an assisted-living place -
And it was there that my awesome experience took place.
I was in my hospital bed, and my husband was there quite near -
In case I needed help he would be sure to hear.
That evening the same heart problems returned again -
When suddenly I was given a wonderful glimpse of Heaven!
Then all at once my guardian angels were there -
They were smiling sweetly, and I sensed their comfort and care.
Then in the distance I could see that beautiful city!
Bright lights were shining, and it was unusually pretty!
Suddenly with no pain I was there in that glorious place -
And it seemed to me that there was no distance in space!
I was happy to be in Heaven, but it strongly crossed my mind:
"It will be sad for my loved ones that I've suddenly left behind!"
That must be when God decided that He would let me live!
(Our lives are gifts from Him, and life is His to give.)
That I should let my husband know seemed to be most dutiful-
So I told him, "I'm in Heaven, and it is so beautiful!"
"We Will See Each Other Again!" ... then I knowingly said.
He was standing there, and then I knew I was back in my hospital bed!
It was later when I realized that a dear friend of mine named Helen -
Was there among the loved ones that I clearly saw in Heaven!
I know Heaven is a real place and that my awesome experience is true,
And my glimpse of Heaven will always be an unforgettable view!
Written By Thelma Decker Hill