Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Christmas Poem - #32

Baby Jesus - The Holy Christ Child


"God's Greatest Gift"

Dedicated To Friends & Loved Ones & To The Glory of God

As you open your gifts on Christmas Day -
Don't forget that your Father Above
Has another gift to give you today,
And it's wrapped with His Own Special Love!
Jesus, whose birthday we now celebrate,
Passed from death to Life In Heaven Above!
We too can pass through that beautiful gate
If we accept God's Glorious Gift Of Love!
We must claim as our own this most precious gem,
And we'll be blessed beyond all measure!
The Gift Of Eternal Life In Heaven With Him
Will Be Ours Forever To Treasure!
The Gift Of God's Word Is His Own Revelation,
And we must answer His Tender-Loving Call -
By asking for His Wonderful Gift Of Salvation
Through Jesus (God's Greatest Gift Of All)!
Written By Thelma Decker Hill
Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill
Merry Christmas To Everyone!