Monday, February 27, 2012

Poem #24

"Watching Ryan Grow"

Dedicated With Love To My Grandson
(My second grandchild - born April 19, 1977).

Ryan Bogus - around the age of 3.

I love you, Ryan, you're my pride and joy!
You're a sweet (and cuddly) little baby boy!
To hold you and rock you as you fall asleep -
Makes me secretly wish that you were mine to keep.

But I'm happy just knowing you're my own grandson -
And watching you grow will be so much fun!
A blond-haired child - with pretty blue eyes -
God made you handsome, and He made you wise!

I'll always remember your sweet little prayer -
While (in a waiting room) you were in my care.
A siren blew, and you stopped your play -
You ran to me and said, "Mom-Mom, Pray!"

I said, "You're right, Honey, and you pray too."
In a clear, sweet voice- your words rang true:
"Father, in the name of Jesus, help those people."
Your little hands were folded like a church's steeple!

You got the attention of everyone there -
With your childhood faith and your precious prayer!
Your innocent act when you were two years old -
By a listening minister - would be re-told!

Ryan Bogus at age seven.

In memory I'll treasure the cute things you say -
And the joy of watching as you run and play!
You're riding your bike ... and growing so fast!
Your toy guns and cars are now in the past!

When you play your guitar - you make me so proud -
And your little-boy charms capture any crowd!
My Boy, you're athletic and growing so tall!
You're a skate-board "whiz" - and great at volley ball!

Ryan Bogus at age 9.

You are now sixteen ... still My Pride and Joy -
And you've grown into a talented & handsome young boy!
For you - this grandmother's love will never die -
And, Ryan, you'll always be "The Apple Of My Eye"!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Ryan Bogus - serving his country
in The U. S. Navy.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Poem #23

"Melanie's Rhapsody"

Dedicated With Love To My Granddaughter,
(My first grandchild - born January 5, 1974)

Thelma Decker Hill holding granddaughter,
Melanie Christine Bogus, - Age 2-1/2 months.

Melanie, you're sweet as any baby can be -
You're sweeter than the honey from a honeybee!
As you grow - I'll write for you a rhapsody -
Just to prove how very much you mean to me!

Melanie, you're pretty with your dark red hair -
Beautiful blue eyes and lovely skin so fair!
Everyone agrees that you're so debonair -
So is it any wonder that they want to stair?

Melanie Christine Bogus - Age 10 months.

Melanie, you're now so cute ... you'll soon be four -
And you're a little charmer whom I do adore!
When I tell you stories - you say, "Mom-Mom, more!"
You ask to hear your favorites that you've heard before!

Melanie, you're sweeter as the days go by -
Now the days are years and oh how fast they fly!
Honey, I will love you till the day I die -
And even when I'm in my Heavenly Home on high!

Melanie Bogus as a little girl.

Melanie, you're growing up so quickly now -
With talents, wit and beauty - God did you endow!
As a swimmer - you can show the other kids how -
And as you sing and play piano - it's great ... Wow!

Melanie, I can't believe you're now thirteen -
And a sweeter little lady I have never seen!
Not only are you pretty, but your wits are keen -
And you walk so gracefully - just like a queen!

Melanie Bogus - Age 16.

Now, Melanie, you're old enough to drive a car -
And, Honey, you're as pretty as a movie star!
When you're driving near, or when you're driving far -
I pray The Lord will keep your driving up to par!

Melanie, you're pretty as a sweet melody ...
Still sweeter than the noney from a honeybee!
At sixteen - you're sweet as any girl can be -
And now I'm sure you know how much you mean to me!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Melanie's Mom-Mom)

Melanie Bogus Collins
(A grown-up mom now with 3 kids of her own).

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Poem #22

Paul Edward Bogus

A Birthday Poem For My Son-In-Law

Dedicated With Love To My Son-in-law
(Birthday - May 8th)

Happy Birthday To You, My Dear Son-in-law!
Thank you for "being like a son".
I am happy to be your mother-in-law
And that "you and my daughter are one".

As a son-in-law you are really neat.
In fact, you're the very best!
As a husband and father you can't be beat.
Your family is truly blessed!

Bogus Family - 1990
 (Helen, Paul, Melanie, & Ryan)

Paul, as a grandfather you have the knack
Of being the best grandfather of all!
In agreement are Bridgette, Alex, and Zach -
Whose nickname for you is "Paul-Paul"! 

Helen & Paul Bogus With Their Grandchildren
Top Row: Paul Bogus & Zach Collins
Bottom: Bridgette Collins, Helen Hill Bogus, & Alex Collins

My prayer is that God will guide you
On your journey along life's way,
And that He will stay close beside you
On Your Birthday ... And Every Day!

Poem Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Paul Edward Bogus
Valentine's Day - 2012