Friday, February 17, 2012

Poem #23

"Melanie's Rhapsody"

Dedicated With Love To My Granddaughter,
(My first grandchild - born January 5, 1974)

Thelma Decker Hill holding granddaughter,
Melanie Christine Bogus, - Age 2-1/2 months.

Melanie, you're sweet as any baby can be -
You're sweeter than the honey from a honeybee!
As you grow - I'll write for you a rhapsody -
Just to prove how very much you mean to me!

Melanie, you're pretty with your dark red hair -
Beautiful blue eyes and lovely skin so fair!
Everyone agrees that you're so debonair -
So is it any wonder that they want to stair?

Melanie Christine Bogus - Age 10 months.

Melanie, you're now so cute ... you'll soon be four -
And you're a little charmer whom I do adore!
When I tell you stories - you say, "Mom-Mom, more!"
You ask to hear your favorites that you've heard before!

Melanie, you're sweeter as the days go by -
Now the days are years and oh how fast they fly!
Honey, I will love you till the day I die -
And even when I'm in my Heavenly Home on high!

Melanie Bogus as a little girl.

Melanie, you're growing up so quickly now -
With talents, wit and beauty - God did you endow!
As a swimmer - you can show the other kids how -
And as you sing and play piano - it's great ... Wow!

Melanie, I can't believe you're now thirteen -
And a sweeter little lady I have never seen!
Not only are you pretty, but your wits are keen -
And you walk so gracefully - just like a queen!

Melanie Bogus - Age 16.

Now, Melanie, you're old enough to drive a car -
And, Honey, you're as pretty as a movie star!
When you're driving near, or when you're driving far -
I pray The Lord will keep your driving up to par!

Melanie, you're pretty as a sweet melody ...
Still sweeter than the noney from a honeybee!
At sixteen - you're sweet as any girl can be -
And now I'm sure you know how much you mean to me!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Melanie's Mom-Mom)

Melanie Bogus Collins
(A grown-up mom now with 3 kids of her own).

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