Friday, June 8, 2012

Poem #30 - A Boy Named Troy

Beverly Bostick & her son, Troy.


In Honor of
(January 17, 1983 - February 22, 2009)
Dedicated to Troy's mom, Beverly "Bev" Bostick

This poem is in honor of a boy who had autism -
Which the world sometimes views with undue criticism.
This child of God was not an ordinary boy -
He was chosen by God ... this boy named Troy!

Troy was chosen for an earthly task so great -
A task that would change a loved one's fate.
For The Lord created this boy from the start -
To reach his lost grandfather's heart.

"Church Tomorrow," Troy repeatedly would say -
To his loving grandfather about God's Holy Day!
At this innocent pleading his grandfather relented ...
Started attending Church and of his sins repented!

Now both he and Troy are in that Heavenly place!
And we'll see them again by God's saving grace!
Our Amazing God works in mysterious ways!
He does great things that never cease to amaze!

The task God gave to Troy ... by him was well done,
And now A Heavenly Crown he has won!
He's earned his Reward of Unspeakable Joy,
And He's Living In Heaven - This Boy Named Troy!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(A Friend of Troy's Mom)

I must also give credit to a poet friend, Sarah Andes,
who wrote and contributed Verse #2 of this poem.

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