Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Blog Poem #2

"My Smiley Face"

I'm basically a happy person, and I'm seldom depressed -
Joy comes from The Lord, and I am greatly blessed!
One morning health circumstances made me feel blue -
Then a little sign from God made me feel brand new!

That morning God gave me a cute smiley face -
As a sign of His love, His mercy, and grace!
It really is a fact ... and not just a rumor -
Our God is amazing with a great sense of humor!

My glass of ice water had been sitting for a while -
And when I picked it up I saw a lopsided smile!
There were two eyes, a nose, and a big crooked grin ...
So cute and funny - it brought a smile from within!

The Lord knew I needed a smile that day -
And it was His way of chasing my blues away!
Of all troubles and sadness - The Lord is aware -
So I thank You, Dear Lord, for showing me You care!

I drew an outline of my funny smiley face -
While the drops of water were still in place.
A copy of my smiley face (pictured above) -
Is an amazing revalation of God's perfect love!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Note:  This poem won 2nd place in the 39th Annual Lake Placid Arts & Crafts Country Fair (Lake Placid, Florida) February 5 & 6, 2005.

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