Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Blog Poem #6

This poem has now been revised somewhat with a chorus and set to music.

"Remembering Papa"

In Loving Memory Of My Father
(July 28, 1883 to February 14, 1930)

I recall those happy days ... so many years ago -
And my Papa who was wonderful and dear!
I was Papa's Little Girl, and I loved my Papa so!
I felt secure whenever he was near!

My favorite place to sit was on my Papa's lap -
When he came home I shouted with glee!
His pockets held "surprises" for me to unwrap -
And he saved all his pennies for me!

I remember the way I learned to write my name -
While I sat upon my Papa's knees.
I traced Papa's dots, and it seemed like a game -
As he was teaching me my A-B-C's!

It was strange to me when my dear Papa died -
For I was only a few months over seven!
I remember that I cried ... as my dear Mama cried -
When God called Papa up to Heaven!

In my little-girl mind I could not understand -
Why my loving Papa had to leave!
But God, in His mercy, wisely had planned -
A way for "Papa's Little Girl" to grieve!

A special gift from Papa not long before he died -
Was a big doll I told my secrets to!
Mama overheard me say to my doll ... as I cried:
"I'd rather have my Papa than you!"

I vaguely remember that simple childish deed -
Perhaps it's what The Good Lord had planned!
It was His loving way of supplying my need -
When He took Papa to That Heavenly Land!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

John 14:3 - Jesus said:  "After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am."

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