Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Blog Poem #20


In Loving Memory Of
(September 14, 1982 - Two Hours)

Jesus, we thank You for Paula Faye!
Thank You for letting her come our way.
Although her life on this earth was brief -
Knowing she's with You eases our grief!

Jesus, please tell little Paula Faye -
That she touched our lives in a special way.
Now her Mommy and Daddy and sister, Sandy Sue,
Need Your Love, Your Peace, and Your Comfort too.

Baby Paula Faye lived here but two hours.
Now she lives among God's flowers!
For God always claims a baby's soul.
By His mercy and love - He makes them whole!

Our Dear Heavenly Father knows what is best ...
When our souls leave our bodies - with Jesus we rest!
And If We Have Jesus In Our Heart To Stay -
We'll Be With Him And Our Loved Ones Some Day!

Written by Paula Faye's grand-aunt
(Thelma Decker Hill)

Mark 10:14 - "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:  for of such is the kingdom of God."  (King James Version - The Holy Bible)

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