Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poem #25

Andrew "Andy" Bogus & his lovely wife, Tamiza Teja

"Thanks To My Computer Tutor"

Dedicated With Love & Appreciation To


Who is "Family" - the brother of my son-in-law.)

Thank you, Andy, for being my guide -
In the use of my personal computer.
I know I'd have to look "far and wide" -
For A Better Computer Tutor!

Thanks for being so patient and kind -
In coaching this new beginner.
Perhaps I'll leave frustrations behind -
And start to feel like a winner!

Thanks for programming the "surprise" -
A "Personal Address Disk" for me!
My Christmas List can be any size -
And easy to print - the labels will be!

Thanks for trying to make it clear -
How to use my personal computer!
Oops ... a problem!  I wish you were here -
My Reliable Computer Tutor!

The problem? ... There was a warning sign -
On the screen of my computer!
But then I remembered how to fix it just fine -

Written by Thelma Decker Hill

(When I was learning to use my first computer - about 1987!)

 Andy Bogus - December 2011

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