Monday, February 27, 2012

Poem #24

"Watching Ryan Grow"

Dedicated With Love To My Grandson
(My second grandchild - born April 19, 1977).

Ryan Bogus - around the age of 3.

I love you, Ryan, you're my pride and joy!
You're a sweet (and cuddly) little baby boy!
To hold you and rock you as you fall asleep -
Makes me secretly wish that you were mine to keep.

But I'm happy just knowing you're my own grandson -
And watching you grow will be so much fun!
A blond-haired child - with pretty blue eyes -
God made you handsome, and He made you wise!

I'll always remember your sweet little prayer -
While (in a waiting room) you were in my care.
A siren blew, and you stopped your play -
You ran to me and said, "Mom-Mom, Pray!"

I said, "You're right, Honey, and you pray too."
In a clear, sweet voice- your words rang true:
"Father, in the name of Jesus, help those people."
Your little hands were folded like a church's steeple!

You got the attention of everyone there -
With your childhood faith and your precious prayer!
Your innocent act when you were two years old -
By a listening minister - would be re-told!

Ryan Bogus at age seven.

In memory I'll treasure the cute things you say -
And the joy of watching as you run and play!
You're riding your bike ... and growing so fast!
Your toy guns and cars are now in the past!

When you play your guitar - you make me so proud -
And your little-boy charms capture any crowd!
My Boy, you're athletic and growing so tall!
You're a skate-board "whiz" - and great at volley ball!

Ryan Bogus at age 9.

You are now sixteen ... still My Pride and Joy -
And you've grown into a talented & handsome young boy!
For you - this grandmother's love will never die -
And, Ryan, you'll always be "The Apple Of My Eye"!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Ryan Bogus - serving his country
in The U. S. Navy.

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