Monday, May 14, 2012

Poem #28

"Happy Birthday To My Brother"

Osa Eric Decker (U. S. Navy during WWII)

Dedicated With Love & Good Wishes
To My Older Brother 
On Your 72nd Birthday - May 14, 1992.

Happy Birthday To You, "Big Brother of Mine"!
(I can't believe you're 72!)
It's your "crazy kid sister" who's now 69! -
With A Sentimental Birthday Poem For You!

Remember the day you first started to school -
And I cried "cause I couldn't go too?
I had to stay home and obey the age rule -
So I'm glad I had a "little brother" too!

Decker Kids - Eric, Thelma, & Max

You were "my idol" as we were growing up -
And I tried to be "just like you"!
I would tag along - (like an adoring pup)! -
And do everything you told me to do!

With musical talents - you were endowed ...
And practice made your talents grow!
Your performances made your family proud -
Whether "in the school band" - or "on radio"!

Eric Decker with his musical instruments
(He played violin, banjo, & guitar.)

After all these years ... it's plain to see -
You've "weathered the years" just fine!
You're A Shining Star On Our Family Tree -
And I'm glad You're A Brother Of Mine!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Left to right:  Eric Decker, Thelma Decker Hill, Max Decker

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