Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Blog Poem #13

The Resurrected Christ


This poem is dedicated to The Glory of God
(God, The Father - God, The Son - & God, The Holy Spirit)
And to Friends & Loved Ones Everywhere.

When from these bodies our Spirits take flight -
What a wonderful adventure that will be!
We'll experience an awesome and glorious sight -
As The Lights of That Heavenly City we see!

Our Spirits will enter through those Pearly Gates -
And Our Dear Lord will welcome us home!
We can never imagine what happiness awaits -
As we see The Glory of God on His Throne!

There'll be no more death, nor sickness or pain -
And we'll walk on those streets of pure gold!
All of our questions The Lord will explain -
There with Him where we'll never grow old!

Angels will be singing on that Heavenly Shore ...
Praises To God Who Sets Spirits Free!
With friends and loved ones who've gone on before ...

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Copyright 2004 Thelma Decker Hill)

II Cor. 5:8 - "... absent from the body ... present with The Lord."  (King James Version of The Holy Bible)

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