Friday, July 1, 2011

My Blog Poem #10

"The Way We Met"

Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
In Honor of Our 65th Wedding Anniversary (August 18, 2011)

I remember the day when first we met - that young soldier boy and I.
(Really - how could a young girl forget? ... I had a big sty on my eye!)
Separately we strolled in a park that day - he & his buddies, my friends & me.
Fleeing from rain - we ran the same way - and met beneath a tree!

This soldier was tall (and somewhat shy) - with great big eyes of blue.
He served his country ... my GI - during World War Two.
He was a "gentleman Yankee", and I was a "southern gal".
There was no "hanky-panky" ... (he referred to me as "pal")!

That was over sixty-five years ago ... in Nashville, Tennessee -
Where we would go to "The Opry Show" - my soldier boy and me.
Whenever a weekend pass was due - my "Sweetie Pie" would call.
We attended Church and movies too ... by then he called me "Doll")!

The war ended in 1945, and my sweetheart returned to me.
Thanks to God he did survive - and sailed home across the sea!
By letters we had kept in touch - while he was far away.
We saved a few which meant so much - to read again some day.

"We'll read our letters," said my ex-GI - "someday when we're OLD!"
We didn't know how time would fly, but quickly the years unfold!
He was 25, and I was 23 ... when I married my Army "Vet" -
He's 90 now, and I'm 88 ... but he says, "We're not OLD yet!"

God gave us a lovely daughter - whom we raised in Delaware.
She and her husband have kids and grandkids - blessings for us to share!
Now at The Bluffs in the Sunshine State - we enjoy our retirement life.
With my marriage partner life is great, and I'm proud to be his wife!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

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