Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Blog Poem #18

Our Wedding Day - August 18, 1946
(Belmont Methodist Church - Nashville, Tennessee)

Our 60th Anniversary Party - 2006
(Given by our daughter & son-in-law, Helen & Paul Bogus)


Dedicated With Love To My Husband
Nelson Stanley Hill
On Our 60th Anniversary (August 18, 2006)

You were twenty-five, My Dear, and I was twenty-three -
When we declared our wedding vows that day.
Now that you're eighty-five ... and I'm eighty-three -
We know how quickly time slips away!

Our meeting each other was destined to be -
And a knowing God planned it that way.
He chose me for you ... and you for me -
And He gave us "a love that would stay"!

We have honored our vows "to have and to hold" -
And surprisingly the time has gone fast!
We are thankful that together we are growing old -
With happy memories of the past!

In our 60 years ... we've had blessings galore -
And our family is The Very Best!
With loved ones and friends, our blessings soar -
And indeed we are Truly Blessed!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

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