Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Blog Poem #19

Bluffs Annual Anniversary Dinner Party at The Bluffs of Sebring
(Our 65th Wedding Anniversary)


Dedicated With Love To My Dear Husband
On Our 65th Anniversary - August 18, 2011

"Let's save a few letters and read them some day ...
When we're old," - my young husband said.
It's been sixty-five years since our wedding day,
And our letters we haven't re-read!

They've been stored in a console table for years -
An item we purchased in nineteen-forty-nine.
It's a treasured heirloom we've kept through the years -
So perhaps it may stay in our family line.

On milestone anniversaries (since the time we met) -
We've planned to read the letters we wrote.
But on all those occasions ... we were "not old yet" -
At least that was my dear hubby's "quote"!

Happy Anniversary, Dear!  It's been sixty-five years -
And we're no longer young, you know.
Let's reminisce now about our yesteryears -
As we re-read Our Letters From Long Ago!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

From one of our yesteryears (1943).
(In Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee)

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