Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Blog Poem #3

"Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow"

Dedicated to Marge Evans, a friend I met at St. John United Methodist Church in Sebring, FL.
Marge inspired this poem by asking me to write a poem using the Three Title Words.

Three Precious Gifts are yours and mine!
They are useful in so many ways.
It's God Who gives these Gifts of Time!
Let us thank Him and give Him praise.

Our gift called YESTERDAY is gone,
But its memories are ours to treasure!
Since thoughts and memories linger on,
It's a gift beyond all measure!

We woke up this morning, and God was there
With our gift we call TODAY!
We have 24 hours - and blessings to share
With others along the way!

Our mystery gift is called TOMORROW.
All its mysteries God understands!
Although it may hold pain and sorrow,
Fear Not ... Tomorrow Is In God's Hands!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill

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