Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Blog Poem #5

The following little poem was written after the tragic accident which took the life of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997.

"A Prayer For A Princess"

In Loving Memory of
(1961 - 1997)

Dear God, we thank You for Princess "Di"
And for her short time on this earth.
Now, Lord, Let Her Wear A Crown On High -
For Heaven Knows Her True Worth!

Please, God, let Princess Diana know ...
There are so many people who care.
Grant her Your Peace ... And Lovingly Bestow -
Her Heavenly Crown With Jewels Rare!

Written by Thelma Decker Hill
(Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill)

II Cor. 5:8 - "absent from the body ...
present with The Lord."
(King James Version of The Holy Bible)

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