Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Blog Poem #7

"Mama's Homes"
In Loving Memory Of My Wonderful Mother
(July 19, 1884 - July 3, 1975)

Near Rosine, Kentucky, God opened the door -
To my Mama's first home in 1884.
There He sent a sweet baby to live on this earth.
She was never rich or famous, but He knew her worth!

Mama's childhood home (with three sisters and a brother) -
Was a Christian home with both father and mother.
In that busy farm home ... they found time to play -
And there in that home Mama learned to pray.

According to our good Lord's plan for her life,
She fell in love and became the dear wife
Of Solomon Decker whose nickname was Pete.
It was also God's plan that they should meet.

Though it brought tears to her mother's eyes -
The time had come for them to say goodbyes.
Mama left her first home and went with her mate -
To their far-away home in a western state.

Four children blessed this home of theirs.
Three sons and one daughter brought joy, also tears.
Their first son stayed with them only five days!
Mama said, "He's with God ... a baby's soul He saves."

The time in this home went by so fast -
After sixteen years it was a thing of the past!
Double pneumonia took her husband's life -
Leaving three children and a grief-stricken wife.

Our loving Papa was called to Heaven -
When I (the daughter) was only seven.
One son was nine, and the other was four.
We missed our Papa whom we did adore.

But we felt safe with Mama there -
Not knowing the sorrow she had to bear.
A widow now with three children too -
She wondered what would be best to do.

After much prayer and deliberation -
She made a decision without hesitation.
Mama trusted God, and her faith was great -
So she made our new home in her native state.

The heart of our home in those growing-up years -
Was Mama who never showed us her fears.
She taught us to say our prayers at night -
To believe in God and to do what is right.

When we were grown with homes of our own -
It left our mother living alone.
She never re-married ... we were first in her life -
But poor health, by then, brought Mama much strife.

Crippling arthritis had taken its toll -
On the frail body of this dear soul.
We opened our homes to our invalid mother.
She lived first with one and then with another.

Although she had severe pains quite often -
She cheerfully tried our loads to soften.
Mama's health became exceedingly worse -
And finally she needed the care of a nurse.

For nine long years she received loving care -
In The Country Rest Home at Greenwood, Delaware.
Our Dear Saviour took her in 1975.
We buried her body, but her soul is alive!

Jesus said, "I go to prepare you a place."
We can be with Him by His Saving Grace!
Some day we'll join Mama around God's Throne.
He Has Opened The Door To Her Heavenly Home!!!
Written By Thelma Decker Hill

JOHN 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

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