Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Christmas Poem - #32

Baby Jesus - The Holy Christ Child


"God's Greatest Gift"

Dedicated To Friends & Loved Ones & To The Glory of God

As you open your gifts on Christmas Day -
Don't forget that your Father Above
Has another gift to give you today,
And it's wrapped with His Own Special Love!
Jesus, whose birthday we now celebrate,
Passed from death to Life In Heaven Above!
We too can pass through that beautiful gate
If we accept God's Glorious Gift Of Love!
We must claim as our own this most precious gem,
And we'll be blessed beyond all measure!
The Gift Of Eternal Life In Heaven With Him
Will Be Ours Forever To Treasure!
The Gift Of God's Word Is His Own Revelation,
And we must answer His Tender-Loving Call -
By asking for His Wonderful Gift Of Salvation
Through Jesus (God's Greatest Gift Of All)!
Written By Thelma Decker Hill
Copyright 2003 Thelma Decker Hill
Merry Christmas To Everyone!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Poem #31 "My Near-Death Experience"

Thelma Decker Hill - July, 2012

"My Near-Death Experience"

It was October 5, 2011, when I had to call Nine-One-One!
Chest pains were severe, so I prayed in the name of God's Son.
In the hospital I begged, "Somebody do something ... I can't stand this!"
Breathing devices helped, and then I was sent to a hospice.
On October 25th we moved into an assisted-living place -
And it was there that my awesome experience took place.
I was in my hospital bed, and my husband was there quite near -
In case I needed help he would be sure to hear.
That evening the same heart problems returned again -
When suddenly I was given a wonderful glimpse of Heaven!
Then all at once my guardian angels were there -
They were smiling sweetly, and I sensed their comfort and care.
Then in the distance I could see that beautiful city!
Bright lights were shining, and it was unusually pretty!
Suddenly with no pain I was there in that glorious place -
And it seemed to me that there was no distance in space!
I was happy to be in Heaven, but it strongly crossed my mind:
"It will be sad for my loved ones that I've suddenly left behind!"
That must be when God decided that He would let me live!
(Our lives are gifts from Him, and life is His to give.)
That I should let my husband know seemed to be most dutiful-
So I told him, "I'm in Heaven, and it is so beautiful!"
"We Will See Each Other Again!" ... then I knowingly said.
He was standing there, and then I knew I was back in my hospital bed!
It was later when I realized that a dear friend of mine named Helen -
Was there among the loved ones that I clearly saw in Heaven!
I know Heaven is a real place and that my awesome experience is true,
And my glimpse of Heaven will always be an unforgettable view!
Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Friday, June 8, 2012

Poem #30 - A Boy Named Troy

Beverly Bostick & her son, Troy.


In Honor of
(January 17, 1983 - February 22, 2009)
Dedicated to Troy's mom, Beverly "Bev" Bostick

This poem is in honor of a boy who had autism -
Which the world sometimes views with undue criticism.
This child of God was not an ordinary boy -
He was chosen by God ... this boy named Troy!

Troy was chosen for an earthly task so great -
A task that would change a loved one's fate.
For The Lord created this boy from the start -
To reach his lost grandfather's heart.

"Church Tomorrow," Troy repeatedly would say -
To his loving grandfather about God's Holy Day!
At this innocent pleading his grandfather relented ...
Started attending Church and of his sins repented!

Now both he and Troy are in that Heavenly place!
And we'll see them again by God's saving grace!
Our Amazing God works in mysterious ways!
He does great things that never cease to amaze!

The task God gave to Troy ... by him was well done,
And now A Heavenly Crown he has won!
He's earned his Reward of Unspeakable Joy,
And He's Living In Heaven - This Boy Named Troy!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(A Friend of Troy's Mom)

I must also give credit to a poet friend, Sarah Andes,
who wrote and contributed Verse #2 of this poem.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Poem #29 - When God Calls

Osa Eric Decker & his devoted wife, Della "Dell" Decker - 1994.

"When God Calls"

In Loving Memory Of My Brother
(May 14, 1920 to September 8, 1994)

Osa was a tiny baby at birth - and his life hung by a thread.
"Never let him get overly excited!" ... that's what the doctor said.
He spent his first hours in an incubator shortly after he arrived -
But God was surely with him, and that tiny baby survived!

When Osa was nine and I was seven, and our little brother was four -
God called our loving Papa ... to enter through Heaven's Door!
Papa's request before he died was: "Osa, take care of your mother."
So Osa became a devoted son - and also a wonderful brother.

Decker Kids - Osa Eric, Lola Thelma, & Maxa Curtis.

Though physical activities were limited, Osa had a brilliant mind.
He was always an excellent student ... and was musically inclined.
A graduate of Hartford High and The University Of Louisville too -
He served his country in The U. S. Navy during World War Two.

Hartford High School Band & Orchestra (Hartford, KY) - 1939
Osa Eric Decker - 2nd from left on front row.

Eric Decker with his violin.

Eric (as he was later known) - chose a beautiful wife named Dell.
Their years together were happier than these poetic words can tell.
Dick, their son, is happily married with a precious son of his own -
And I'm sure he'll remember Eric as the loving Dad he's known.

"Dell" & Eric Decker (1982).

Their home was in Louisville, Kentucky, until Eric and Dell retired.
Then they moved to Sun City, Florida, into a house they both desired.
Although Eric was talented in music, he didn't make it his career.
He enjoyed his job at Bechtel Petroleum and retired as a cost engineer.

The modern miracle of heart surgery made Eric's body stronger -
And two successful operations helped to keep him living longer!
Eric so bravely fought colon cancer - the disease that took his life -
And God, in His love and mercy, was with him through the strife!

Osa Eric Decker in U. S. Navy (WWII).

During heart surgery in '89 - it was NOT Eric's time to go.
His heart had stopped, but he heard God say: "No! - Not NOW! - No!"
Now God has called our loved one ... to enter through Heaven's Gate!
Some day ... we'll see him again because our Heavenly homes await!!!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.  John 14:2 (King James Version of The Holy Bible).

Monday, May 14, 2012

Poem #28

"Happy Birthday To My Brother"

Osa Eric Decker (U. S. Navy during WWII)

Dedicated With Love & Good Wishes
To My Older Brother 
On Your 72nd Birthday - May 14, 1992.

Happy Birthday To You, "Big Brother of Mine"!
(I can't believe you're 72!)
It's your "crazy kid sister" who's now 69! -
With A Sentimental Birthday Poem For You!

Remember the day you first started to school -
And I cried "cause I couldn't go too?
I had to stay home and obey the age rule -
So I'm glad I had a "little brother" too!

Decker Kids - Eric, Thelma, & Max

You were "my idol" as we were growing up -
And I tried to be "just like you"!
I would tag along - (like an adoring pup)! -
And do everything you told me to do!

With musical talents - you were endowed ...
And practice made your talents grow!
Your performances made your family proud -
Whether "in the school band" - or "on radio"!

Eric Decker with his musical instruments
(He played violin, banjo, & guitar.)

After all these years ... it's plain to see -
You've "weathered the years" just fine!
You're A Shining Star On Our Family Tree -
And I'm glad You're A Brother Of Mine!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Left to right:  Eric Decker, Thelma Decker Hill, Max Decker

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Poem #25

"The Loss Of A Friend"

Thelma Decker Hill & Helen Gamble - 1946.

In Loving Memory Of My Special Friend
Helen Gamble Bowles
April 25, 1924 to May 5, 1999

I have lost a dear friend of fifty-seven years -
A friend who was kind and true!
I will miss Helen, Lord, and my eyes fill with tears -
But I'll see her again ... in Heaven with you!

It was at Draughon's Business College that Helen & I
First met each other in nineteen-forty-two.
We kept in touch as the years went by -
Sharing news and pictures as good friends do.

Not only was Helen a good friend to me -
But a very devoted mother, grandmother, and wife!
Her two lovely daughters, Jo Ann and Marie,
And two granddaughters were the pride of her life!

Helen Gamble Bowles with granddaughter, Sarah Wilson, - 1997.

Dear God, be with Helen's beloved husband, Bill,
In the loss of his loved one so dear!
A voice that he loved and on earth is now still -
In Heaven is heard strong and clear!

William "Bill" Bowles & Helen Gamble - 1945.

Please comfort Helen's family, Dear Lord, I pray,
And send them Your Love and Your Peace!
Unite them with Helen and loved ones some day -
In Heaven Where Joys Never Cease!

And now, Lord, I thank You for My Special Friend -
And her seventy-five years on this earth!
Thanks that our friendship will never end ...
But In Heaven Will Have A Rebirth!

Written By Helen's Long-Time Friend
Thelma Decker Hill

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poem #26

Helen Gamble & Thelma Decker
In Centenial Park - 1945

"Birthday Wishes For A Special Friend"

Dedicated To My Dear Friend,
On Your 62nd Birthday - April 25, 1986.

Happy Birthday To You, My Special Friend!
Let us journey down Memory Lane.
It's a winding trail way that has no end -
We'll travel by thought - not by plane.

At Draughon's College where you and I met -
We studied to learn office skills.
Helen, do you think we'll ever forget -
Shorthand practice and typing drills?

As stenographers on our very first jobs -
We worked from eight to five.
Mr. K.'s dictation could bring us to sobs -
But somehow we managed to survive!

Before I became Mrs. Nelson Hill -
Remember ... way back then?
Among those we dated were Nelson and Bill -
Who became our own special men!

Sometimes - on a Sunday afternoon -
With our dates we would stroll through the park.
Or perhap for a while we would stop and "spoon" -
On a bench - as it was getting dark!

We attended Church on Sundays too -
And always bought a new Easter frock!
Life was exciting with fun things to do -
But at work we would "watch the clock".

How about those spooky radio shows -
We would listen to late at night?
"The Squeaky Door" and "The Shadow Knows" -
Could make us shudder with fright!

Remember The Toddle House and ice box pie -
And my crazy prank on April Fool's Day?
My apologies, my friend, for that atrocious "lie" -
Now I'm careful of the jokes I play!

Through the years we've gone our separate ways -
But letters and visits have kept us in touch.
We're blessed with loved ones who brighten our days -
They're all so dear, and we love them so much!

Our lives have changed since the days of long ago -
Many new friends have come our way.
With this sentimental poem - I want you to know -
You are still my special friend today!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Thelma Decker Hill & Helen Gamble
August 18, 1946

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poem #25

Andrew "Andy" Bogus & his lovely wife, Tamiza Teja

"Thanks To My Computer Tutor"

Dedicated With Love & Appreciation To


Who is "Family" - the brother of my son-in-law.)

Thank you, Andy, for being my guide -
In the use of my personal computer.
I know I'd have to look "far and wide" -
For A Better Computer Tutor!

Thanks for being so patient and kind -
In coaching this new beginner.
Perhaps I'll leave frustrations behind -
And start to feel like a winner!

Thanks for programming the "surprise" -
A "Personal Address Disk" for me!
My Christmas List can be any size -
And easy to print - the labels will be!

Thanks for trying to make it clear -
How to use my personal computer!
Oops ... a problem!  I wish you were here -
My Reliable Computer Tutor!

The problem? ... There was a warning sign -
On the screen of my computer!
But then I remembered how to fix it just fine -

Written by Thelma Decker Hill

(When I was learning to use my first computer - about 1987!)

 Andy Bogus - December 2011

Monday, February 27, 2012

Poem #24

"Watching Ryan Grow"

Dedicated With Love To My Grandson
(My second grandchild - born April 19, 1977).

Ryan Bogus - around the age of 3.

I love you, Ryan, you're my pride and joy!
You're a sweet (and cuddly) little baby boy!
To hold you and rock you as you fall asleep -
Makes me secretly wish that you were mine to keep.

But I'm happy just knowing you're my own grandson -
And watching you grow will be so much fun!
A blond-haired child - with pretty blue eyes -
God made you handsome, and He made you wise!

I'll always remember your sweet little prayer -
While (in a waiting room) you were in my care.
A siren blew, and you stopped your play -
You ran to me and said, "Mom-Mom, Pray!"

I said, "You're right, Honey, and you pray too."
In a clear, sweet voice- your words rang true:
"Father, in the name of Jesus, help those people."
Your little hands were folded like a church's steeple!

You got the attention of everyone there -
With your childhood faith and your precious prayer!
Your innocent act when you were two years old -
By a listening minister - would be re-told!

Ryan Bogus at age seven.

In memory I'll treasure the cute things you say -
And the joy of watching as you run and play!
You're riding your bike ... and growing so fast!
Your toy guns and cars are now in the past!

When you play your guitar - you make me so proud -
And your little-boy charms capture any crowd!
My Boy, you're athletic and growing so tall!
You're a skate-board "whiz" - and great at volley ball!

Ryan Bogus at age 9.

You are now sixteen ... still My Pride and Joy -
And you've grown into a talented & handsome young boy!
For you - this grandmother's love will never die -
And, Ryan, you'll always be "The Apple Of My Eye"!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill

Ryan Bogus - serving his country
in The U. S. Navy.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Poem #23

"Melanie's Rhapsody"

Dedicated With Love To My Granddaughter,
(My first grandchild - born January 5, 1974)

Thelma Decker Hill holding granddaughter,
Melanie Christine Bogus, - Age 2-1/2 months.

Melanie, you're sweet as any baby can be -
You're sweeter than the honey from a honeybee!
As you grow - I'll write for you a rhapsody -
Just to prove how very much you mean to me!

Melanie, you're pretty with your dark red hair -
Beautiful blue eyes and lovely skin so fair!
Everyone agrees that you're so debonair -
So is it any wonder that they want to stair?

Melanie Christine Bogus - Age 10 months.

Melanie, you're now so cute ... you'll soon be four -
And you're a little charmer whom I do adore!
When I tell you stories - you say, "Mom-Mom, more!"
You ask to hear your favorites that you've heard before!

Melanie, you're sweeter as the days go by -
Now the days are years and oh how fast they fly!
Honey, I will love you till the day I die -
And even when I'm in my Heavenly Home on high!

Melanie Bogus as a little girl.

Melanie, you're growing up so quickly now -
With talents, wit and beauty - God did you endow!
As a swimmer - you can show the other kids how -
And as you sing and play piano - it's great ... Wow!

Melanie, I can't believe you're now thirteen -
And a sweeter little lady I have never seen!
Not only are you pretty, but your wits are keen -
And you walk so gracefully - just like a queen!

Melanie Bogus - Age 16.

Now, Melanie, you're old enough to drive a car -
And, Honey, you're as pretty as a movie star!
When you're driving near, or when you're driving far -
I pray The Lord will keep your driving up to par!

Melanie, you're pretty as a sweet melody ...
Still sweeter than the noney from a honeybee!
At sixteen - you're sweet as any girl can be -
And now I'm sure you know how much you mean to me!

Written By Thelma Decker Hill
(Melanie's Mom-Mom)

Melanie Bogus Collins
(A grown-up mom now with 3 kids of her own).